2010年7月19日 星期一


We had a lnog trip to Taipei last Tuesday. At the beginning of the trip, we took the bus in front of Chung Cheng Hall. First of all, we arrived at Taipei Bus Station. Then we entered the Taipei Rapid Transit Co, we were watching a short film that brifely introduced the public transportations of Taipei city there and understood how they deal with problems immediately.We get around there and experinced some facilities thay offered for audience.For instance, interactive touch-screen, virtual bike , and something else. Easy Card was really helpful and convenient, you can use Easy Card to take the train from Keelung to Jhongli, to take MRT or bus, even buy something in 7- Eleven. Mostly, we couldn't live in Taipei without using Easy Card

After visited the company, we took the MRT from Taipei mian station to Tamshui, we walked through old streets and ate some snacks. I met Doctor Chin and Justin at the third floor of Red Castle with beautiful scenary, most of us took a lot of pictures there. Then we went to the Fisherman's Wharf. When I crossed the bridge(called Valentine's Bidge or Broken Bridge), I saw the gorgerous sunset with endless deep blue sea, that was really beautiful. At the time, David asked ''what's that?", Doctor Chin siad "it's dog shit!!". I was still laughing and couldn't control myself. After that, we went back to Tamshui by boat.

It was a really nice experience and I will keep it in my mind, I think the rest of the members have thinking the same as me.

2 則留言:

  1. Durant, That is one of the funniest moments of this whole trip. I wish i could have heard him say that. Dr. Chin is so nice but also has a sense of humor. I'm so glad you're in this camp with us, you have been a great help and a lot of fun to be around.

  2. I'll always remember Dr. Chin and his "dog shit" comment. I had a really good time at Fisherman's Wharf because there was a great breeze there!
