2010年7月29日 星期四

Kingcar Co.

I had wonderful experiences last Wednesday. We went to the Kingcar Co at first. As usual, the company played a short video which introduced them in approximately. After that, the desk clerk led us ioto the factories. I saw the different prodcution lines that were really awesome. That was my first time to watch production process. The machines there run very fast which caused us could not take pictures clearly. But it did not matter actually. Although the desk clerk's English was not very well, he still did lots of for us as much as he could. On the way throught the different factories, I get a plenty of information which I could not get from books. Such as why thay colud control their quality easily. That was really interesting so we spent a lof of time to tour factories.

We got back to the briefing room and asked some questions. Most people had an enthusiast about asking questions. Because of this, we get great response. At the end of visting Kingcar Co. Thay offered us many kinds of drinks that made us would not feel thirsty. Such as coffee or mini-oligo. Therefore I took many drinks when I went back the bus. We had great time there, and I will not forget it.

